
Home Military Field Battlefield Cross for War Memorial

Home Military Field Battle Cross Patina for War Memorial …

War Memorial one battle cross boots, gun and helmet memorial. This is the customary arrangement of boots, rifle and helmet used by soldiers to memorialize and remember fallen comrades in arms. Military sculpture foundry soldier memorial helmet-Bronze …

Home Military Field Fallen Soldier Battle Cross Memorial …

Home Air force Soldier at Battle Cross for War Memorial … Memorial Air force Soldier at Battle Cross Cost- custom … The Battlefield Cross, Fallen Soldier Battle Cross or Battle Cross is a time honored military memorial that symbolizes the honor, service and sacrifice of soldiers killed in battle.

Home Military Field Soldier at Battle Cross for Sale- custom …

Home Military Field Battle Cross Patina for Sale- Fine Art … Home Military Field Battle Cross Patina for Sale Memorial Military Field Fallen Soldier Battle Cross Statue … We have sold our veterans memorial to VFW and American Legion Post nation wide.

Casting Military Field Battle Cross for War Memorial- Fine …

Home Military Field Battle Cross Patina for War Memorial … War Memorial one battle cross boots, gun and helmet memorial. This is the customary arrangement of boots, rifle and helmet used by soldiers to memorialize and remember fallen comrades in arms.

Custom Military Field War Memorial Battle Cross Price

Custom Military Field Battle Cross Price- custom bronze … War Memorial one battle cross boots, gun and helmet memorial. This is the customary arrangement of boots, rifle and helmet used by soldiers to memorialize and remember fallen comrades in arms.

Bespoke WWII Fallen Soldier Battle Cross for War Memorial …

This page, however, looks at a particularly unusual and infamous symbol known variously as the Battlefield Cross, Battle Cross, Soldier's Cross or Fallen Soldier's Cross. A rifle pointing downwards into the ground is a memorial of a soldier killed in action.

What is a Battlefield Cross? (with pictures) – wisegeek.com

A battlefield cross, or fallen soldier battle cross, is a memorial to a fallen or missing soldier, consisting of the soldier's boots, bayonet, helmet, rifle, and sometimes dog tags. As the name implies, it is generally erected at or near the field of battle, allowing the soldier's comrades to pay their respects and to begin to process the loss.

Fallen Soldier Battle Cross by Richard Rist | Fallen Soldier …

This arrangement is also known as a Battlefield Cross or a Battle Cross. Description We decided that our war memorial statue would recreate the same ceremonial arrangement the soldiers do themselves in the battlefield. We wanted a monument that would make you stop and think for a minute about the real cost of war.

The battlefield cross | National Museum of American History

During the Korean War, changes were made to the process of handling the dead; instead of interring the soldiers in temporary military cemeteries, they were removed to staging sites to be readied for shipment to Japan and ultimately home. The battlefield cross memorial probably took on more significance during this time, as a way to provide …

Military Field Cross – Brodin Studio Inc.

Based on actual battlefield memorials, “The Military Field Cross” is a life-size scale depiction of a fallen soldier’s weapon stabbed into the ground, with one of his boots on either side and his helmet on the stock. This life-size memorial is currently available in modern day era and Vietnam era.

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You Fine Art Sculpture carries a variety of statues to commemorate veterans, serving members of the military, fallen war heroes and others serving the country.

These statues make perfect military enlistment, graduation, promotion and military retirement gifts. Interested in a specific historical period? Someone who wants to commemorate a particular war or conflict?

Our extensive list of Marines, Navy and army statues depicts the past and present of various soldiers, including:
1.Iraq and Afghanistan 2.Vietnam 3.World War II 4.The First World War 5.The Napoleonic Wars

Ancient Greece Our current selection of military collections includes the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps as well as the Commonwealth Royal Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.

Check regularly as we will continue to add more. Most of our military collections are bronze military statues, which are bronze cold cast resins. However, we offer some products that can be used in other finishes. Bronze military statues have various sizes,accepting any custom made in bronze.




War Memorial one battle cross boots, gun and helmet memorial. This is the customary arrangement of boots, rifle and helmet used by soldiers to memorialize and remember fallen comrades in arms. We can produce different sizes of this Battlefield Cross sculpture as a custom project. We offer them for sale at just a fraction above our cost so no sales or discounts can be applied. We feel that this is the least we can do to show our appreciation and debt to the families of our servicemen who have paid the ultimate price of defending our freedom.

We have two available with WW II rifle and helmet, please call if interested for photos.

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